Thursday, January 20, 2011

OMIGOSH I am a nerd

I probably had waaaaay more fun than I should have with this.

This is actually a fact sheet I constructed, as part of this huge, complex fantasy comic I have been semi-developing for about two years. There's a religious order in it for which I had a vaguely constructed philosophy and outfit, but only just now got to actually going into depth and developing. Please have a look and tell me if you see any conflicts in logic or anything else I might have accidentally inserted in there.

I think you can click on the image to make it larger. If not.....well, I'll see if I can fix it or something. Sigh.


  1. ... W o W ... !!! And that doesn't mean World of Warcraft!!! That's amazing, Laura! That's world building taken to a new level there. I try to do that with drawing maps or sketches of the characters... but this is kind of like a textbook page on them. Nice.

  2. I don't know if you remember those old history books they used to have at Clear Creek, where they would have these illustrations depicting certain people in history (like a fisherman's wife during the Revolutionary War visiting the palace, or a Japanese samurai putting on his armor), and they would have these arrows pointing to various bits of their clothing and other such things, each attached to some text explaining their significance. Those were always my favorite parts, and once I even did something exactly like that for a history project. In trying to think of ways to make my otherwise badly organized universe come into some sort order, I remembered those pages and decided that I might as well try and see how it worked out.
    Sigh. I miss those books.....

  3. oh man, this is so cool Laura. I'm kinda proud to know you. So original and creative... hey, can I commisson you to draw a map for me? Sometime? Seriously. I'l pay you like... 20 bucks. (that's probably not enough, right?)
    Anyway, this costume thing really intriques me. Is this part of your story with the girl who bandages dher face?

  4. Actually, believe it or not, no. Heh heh. :D

    This is actually from a comic I've been daydreaming about for a while. Don't know if I'll take it very seriously, but it's still incredibly fun. So maybe someday I'll actually start it. Maybe. From time to time I'll probably post stuff about it, so that should be fun.

    Draw a map? Yes! Absolutely! I'll do for TEN bucks.

    Just one problem....I, um, haven't really gotten much experience with maps. Maybe this will be an opportunity to learn! Looks like I'll be studying a lot of atlases and Tokien....
