Sunday, April 7, 2013

Character Sheets....Because I CAN

Oh, gosh, I feel so weird being the only one posting here. And about my COMIC, of all things!

Weird. So weird.

Well, are character designs. Please give suggestions! I only have two so far (Yul is still being worked out....she's so hard to drraaaawww), so I guess I'll post that one as well. Eventually. Maybe. If I'm feeling brave. Oh, gosh....

Character design is of utmost importance in comicking, obviously, so seriously, if there is something about the aesthetics that bothers you, something you feel could left out or put in, please tell me.

Anyways. Here's Gehnn:

NOTES: She hails from a tribe of desert people who like to wear bright colors, hence the random sash and head covering. The head covering is actually of religious importance - when a girl/boy reaches the age of 14, they cut their hair and pull it back, signifying their willingness to work hard, to support their family and their village. The head-cloth signifies devotion, and to take it off (when you're not sleeping, anyways) is very, VERY much frowned upon. Much like the Native American tribes of today, Gehnn's tribe has gradually lost many of their traditions and is currently struggling to revive them. Thus, the importance of the head-cloth. 

Also, her tribe is known for their skill in glass and stonework, which is highly prized as little of it is allowed to leave the village (again, because of holding on to traditions and not allowing anyone to trivialize them). The necklace Gehnn's wearing would probably go for a small fortune on the market. 

In other news, I am going to give her different sandals. Because the ones she's wearing in this drawing would be less than functional in her line of work (i.e. a lot of running around and occasionally climbing things)

Also, they're just plain ugly. Don't know what I was thinking. 

ANYWAYS! Now on to Rex: 

NOTES: Yeah, a lot on this one. I don't know why I drew a glowy-face down in the corner - I think I just really messed up the face and so decided it would be a grand opportunity to mess around with lighting. Didn't work out so well. Sort of turned into radioactive jaundice. Oh, well. 

Anyways....Rex has always been my stumbling block when it comes to design. Primarily because, beyond his magnificent sideburns (oh, thirteen-year-old me, when are you ever going to get over Javert?) he was just never all that interesting-looking. So I added some things. 

So, Rex is a member of an ancient and powerful race called the Rems, or rather the Remish (as they prefer). They ARE human, but sort of distantly so. Like, a gorilla as related to a chimpanzee. Sort of. So I made them a little more 'alien', in that they have longer arms, bigger eyes, and a bit more hair, which grows a little differently than a 'normal' human's does. For instance: those sideburns? That's not beard hair. He was literally born with those. I mean, they were a lot smaller and less bodacious back then, but you get my drift. It's actually a part of their hairline. Girls have them too, but they're considerably less hairy and easier to trim. Perhaps in light of this, Remish men don't actually have facial 'beard hair' as we know it. Their hair just extends down their jawline and stops, and that's it. They can't grow goatees or mustaches. They actually find the concept of growing hair around your mouth rather gross. 

Also, eyes! Rems have what look like permanently dilated pupils, but in actuality that's just coloration. They have a thick black ring around their pupils (which are the same size as ours and work exactly the same way), around which is a thinner ring which we would call the retina, but which is actually just a small part of it. This smaller ring is the one that's colored, and in Rex's case they're a sort of dark orange. This is pretty common among the Remish, where eye colors range from bright orange to pure black. There isn't a single green, gray or blue-eyed person among them. No one is really sure why this is - scientists just assume that the black ring must have served some sort of function at one time, but now it's just decoration. So who knows. 

Also, hair color! Rems have normal-colored hair for the most part, although their hair tends to be more red-ish than most humans. Rex is a prime example of this. 

It has just occurred to me that my description of Rex is almost twice as long as my description of Gehnn. Huh. Well, I guess that's what happens when your character is a member of a different species. More or less. 

Anyways....yeah. Those are my characters. Well, two of them, anyways. Yul is coming. Someday. Maybe. If I finish. 

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